Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nice LAPTOP COMPUTER For Sale - Call Len Wright in Orem UTAH at 801-810-6123. -

Dependable Dell 505 Laptop complete with 20GB Hard Drive 512k RAM, comes with 505D battery and d505 charger and 30 day warranty.
OREM, UT   84057   |   Oct 29, 2011

Dependable Dell 505 Laptop complete with 20GB Hard Drive 512k RAM, comes with 505D battery and d505 charger and 30 day warranty.

Call Len Wright in Orem UTAH at 801-810-6123.

Come to 940 North State St, Rear, inside Copy Cat Printing
- In Orem UTAH
Call Cell: (801) 404-6123 or Office 801-762-0007.

We buy, sell and repair used laptops, iPads, DVD's, Tablets, MP3 and MP4 players. Bring in your extra electronic item, working or not, and it might have a trade-in value.

Enter your email for future updates and deals at

Home 801-810-6123
 | Work 801-762-0007
 | Cell 801-404-6123
 | Email » 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street movement

OccupyWallStreet is spreading across the world.  Trade your paper money for Silver, Land and Food.

The time has come to trade in the imaginary paper money in your bank accounts, IRA, and 401k to get real money:  food packed for storage, silver, gold and land.

Trade your paper money for silver bullion precious metals at

Storage Food ( food packaged for long term storage )silver, gold, land and a good home business are what will provide you with security.

The OccupyWallStreet and OccupyEarth movements are spreading across the world.
Prepare for when Occupy Wall Street comes to your street.

Get Storage Food and Earn

Get a good home business offer at

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Imaginary Money is in trouble

The currency crisis is here for Imaginary Money ( paper dollars in your accounts ).  Buy Silver, Gold, Storable Food.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I am trading imaginary money to get Silver, Gold, Food, Land, Stocks.

The FED prints money out of thin air, loans it to the US Gov't  and CHARGES INTEREST on this imaginary money, STEALING from you and me via inflation and taxes.

In order to pay the interest to the Federal Reserve Bank on the imaginary money that they created out of thin air, our taxes go up and prices on the food, gas, clothing and all the other things that we HAVE TO BUY rise. This is stealing via inflation.

Solution: Trade in your paper money and the imaginary money in your bank accounts and retirement accounts to get real money:  silver, gold, food packed for storagereal estate, profitable company stock ownership.

Ask me how to earn 20 percent within your same existing IRA or 401k.

For a starter, get a few silver rounds today at

Get some food packed for storage at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Too much Vitamin E is not good for you

If you take too much Vitamin E you might be subject to an increased risk of prostate cancer, according to the Washington Post. They said a study of 35,000 healthy men showed that the men who were taking Vitamin E in higher daily doses, were 17% more likely to develop prostate cancer.  Furthermore, you may increase your fatigue, make your muscles weaker, get headaches, and it may increase your bleeding tendency.   

Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage

The US Dollar with go down in value by about 10 percent in the next two months.

The safer and more profitable way to go right now is to buy SilverGold, and Food packaged for long term storage. 

And get into a home business.    It may not earn a lot for you just yet, but the practicing of online marketing, and building more and more new relationships will bring more financial safety and security to you in the long run.   You can start out working at home by the hour by applying at

Get gold, silver, food, and future customers in your relationships pipeline.
Gas is going up and the dollar is going down.  Get Prepared.