Monday, November 28, 2011

Cheerful holidays are a great opportunity to reach out and improve relationships

Christmas time is an excellent time to reach out and touch someone.  A great time to call, visit, write to someone that I have neglected, a relationship desired  but not expressed, a person whom I can serve.  Joy comes from solving their needs.

A time to reflect and prioritize.  I am thinking of the Blast Force acronym.  This is a good time to evaluate how I am doing.  B = Being employed or busily engaged, L = Living on less than I earn. A= Abundance accumulates naturally when I live on less than I earn.  S = Service and solving needs for myself and others. Since I am employed, living on less than my income, I naturally find enough abundance in my life, so that I have the time, money and health to be able to serve others and experience the joy of helping them.  The "T" in Blast Force stands for Teaching 5 others to do the same.  I can also teach some skills or talents that are personal to me.  We do not need huge public budgets for schools that do not work, if the best experts simply get online and teach us worldwide as a group.  We are forming those groups now.  This is the Organization Age for economic business education, work skills, artistic talents, language skills, everything really. We can all learn from the best and eliminate the ineffective teachers and schools.  

The "F" in Blast Force stands for Fulfillment, feeling fulfilled in what we do. "O" is for Organizing humanity.  "R" is for Replication.  We can bring these concepts and teachings to the entire world, if you make it your project to teach these principles to at least 5 other people. Start with one person or one blog entry or Tweet today.  Reach out to one particular person who responds or a person you know today.  Wish them a happy holiday season. Use this season as an excuse to contact them out of the blue.  This is the greatest opportunity season of the year.  "C" is for compassion.  Serve with compassion. Live with compassion.  Decide now to be compassionate in all you do, in business dealings, friendships, everyday relationships, and with strangers.  Make that stranger or foe into a friend by bringing compassion to them. "E" is for Energetically Engage spreading energy, exercise and engaging life.  Sing, dance, participate, work, serve, learn, prosper.

We have completed the industrial age, automation age, technology age, computer age, Internet age, and the explosion of social networking.  So what is next ?

We have the Internet, smart cell phones, tablets, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, cars, airplanes, excellent roads, good homes, relative peace, so what is next ?

I believe the next arriving age is the Organization Age.  The tools of the Internet, technology, smart phones, tablets, and the social networking explosion will soon be put to good use.

It is time to use our social and technology assets to organize the human race.  It is time to ORGANIZE in order to end hunger, poverty, educational deficiency, and medicinal shortages worldwide.

To do this, we will need to organize while we still have the time, money and health. We already have the technology.   If you do not have time, money or health get it.

How do we get the time, money and health that we will need to organize humanity in order to end poverty, hunger and preventable illness and death worldwide ?

Here is my proposal:

1. Start your own Twitter account with a profile describing our goals of "Organizing to end hunger, poverty, educational deficiency, and medicinal shortages."  Put the following 3 words "FollowBack Organization Age" in your profile.   Let people find and follow your Twitter account naturally on their own.  Do nothing to promote it.  ONLY FOLLOW PEOPLE WHO FIRST FOLLOW YOU.   Do not promote your Twitter account.  Let people find you.

2. Start a blog online.  Get the Empower Network worldwide viral blogging platform.  Enroll at  The Empower Network worldwide viral blogging platform will fund your future Organization Age participation.  This is an income generator.

3. Subscribe to this blog which you are now reading for updates, by inserting your email address at the top of this blog.   We are organizing humanity using social networking, the internet, and modern worldwide technology to end hunger, poverty, educational deficiency, and medicinal shortages.

4. Think, speak and organize for Abundance, Wealth, Learning, and Health in your blog posts and tweets.   Stay tuned for an exciting movement worldwide.

Welcome to the  Organization Age 


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Grab your share

I am a proud member of  Empower Network  blogging system  business referral network.  This is just amazing - at first I thought this was annoying, but then I signed up.

Stock market and currency emergency has arrived.  I am buying food packed for storage, seeds, dividend-paying stocks, and land.   I will buy more.good stocks selling for less than the current assets on hand, such as WisdomTree Japan SmallCap Dividend Fund    (DFJ)

This is a good week to buy more seeds, food, land, and good stocks paying consistent dividends.  Silver going down for a couple months. Wait on it.  Then I will buy, buy, buy silver.

Grab more cash from the internet at will.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Some thoughts for this week

Silver is a better bargain than Gold.
Natural gas is a better bargain than Oil. Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK)
LNG ( Liquid Natural Gas ) producers are entering a boom time. Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK)
Grow some plants. They multiply and the sun is a free source of energy to feed them.
Store up some food that is packed for long term storage.
Grow some people. Their work multiplies as they teach others what you have taught them.
Grow a home business. You get a whole pile of nice tax deductions every year and it is an excellent safety backup plan to have in case of loss of employment.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"I walk without shoes in the mountains. My bare feet touch the mountain. The mountain takes pleasure in knowing my body". ( from an old Andean mountain song )

A quote from the book Masters of the Living Energy, by Joan Parisi Wilcox.  ‘Andeans are born into a world that they believe is as conscious of them as they are of it.’

We are the Earth and everything in it, all one.  Our thoughts come from the whole of who we are, they do not create us.

At first I was annoyed by this next link, but then I listened to the whole thing a 2nd time carefully, and signed up eagerly. You and I are a part of the whole.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 key changes

1. Stop working for someone else. No one EVER became rich working for someone else. You need to get something going where YOU get the money, not someone else.

2. Do something different. Remember the definition of insanity, "Keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." If you want different results than what you're getting now, you must DO something different.

3. You gotta’ have leverage. You absolutely MUST find something that allows you to "leverage" someone else's time or money. That's what all the rich people do. They get paid when other people do things - you can, too.

4. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Your results will come faster and be exponentially greater than if you try to do this on your own without the support of a Mastermind Group. You need to hang out with people who can help you achieve your goals, and who will elevate you. They'll help you become all that you CAN become. He says that he cannot emphasize this point enough. It’s that important.

5. Take action. This is "The Biggie." When you find something worth pursuing, DO something about it. Don't sit on the sidelines thinking and evaluating. ACT!

You know, I think the next big thing for the internet is that people will form groups based on common interests and have live discussions on Google+ using the new free hangout feature.  

Have you seen it?  Click here to see it.  It's free and you can video chat with 10 people all at once for free, using the hangout feature there.  We are forming a group that will donate to FEED THE CHILDREN.  You will earn commissions 3x9 in a forced matrix if you help us. 

Join us by searching Google+ for Lon Scow and Len Wright.  We are the founders of this free private online hangout group located at      

We each donate $20 per month, and you earn forced matrix commissions
on referrals 3x9 deep so you can earn over $14,000 cash per month
while helping to feed the children.  Pretty cool, huh ?

If you would like to earn a better living while also helping save the
lives of hungry children, please call me now Lon Scow              801-347-3798      

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Get paid to receive SMS text messages

Get paid 10 levels to receive only 5 text messages per day  - This is new -

Let us all speak up!

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers
one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:
“I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,” he told CNBC.
“You just pass a law that says that anytime there is
a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members
of Congress are ineligible for re-election
The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for
18 year-olds) took only 3 months &8 days to be ratified!
Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971…
before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.
Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7)
took 1 year or less to become the law of the land…all
because of public pressure.
Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this
email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list;
in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America
will have the message. This is one idea that really should
be passed around.
Congressional Reform Act of 2011
1. No Tenure / No Pension.
A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives
no pay when they are out of office.
2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the
Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow
into the Social Security system, and Congress participates
with the American people. It may not be used for any other
3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just
as all Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and
participates in the same health care system as the
American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose
on the American people.
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are
void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make
this contract with Congressmen.
Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding
Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve
their term(s), then go home and back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then
it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S.)
to receive the message. Maybe it is time.

Monday, November 7, 2011

With gold way over $1,000.00 an ounce and silver still MUCH less, it's smart to start a silver collection of silver rounds for only $45 each. This includes your own replicating website at no extra charge, so that you can do referrals


Silver accumulation - Get something of value - Silver Rounds

With gold way over $1,000.00 an ounce
and silver still MUCH less, it's smart to start a silver collection of silver rounds for only $45 each.
This includes your own replicating website at no extra charge,  so that you can do referrals

Order online at
Silver accumulation is something of value - Silver Rounds -
Simple product lets you get 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 or more Bonus .999 Silver rounds per month.
Several members already earning up to 20 ounces of free silver per month by doing referrals!

Silver collectors round silver product now available
Simple way to get a lot of silver at below dealer cost by doing some referrals..

Get a free .999 silver round  for every 2 bought by your referrals.
For example, some members are earning 10 ounces of silver a month.
They are essentially buying silver at below $4 an ounce.
Be in a growing business for only $45 per month for your auto-ship silver round each month.
This includes your own replicating website at no extra charge,  so that you can do referrals.

Stocks + Dollar CRASHING, Gold + Silver RISING - duh!
The silver business is booming. Start your own silver collection.
Silver is still  too cheap compared to gold.....
Silver usually moves in tandem with gold, but last year it fell more than gold. Now it’s leading gold on the way up. Silver still has a ways to go and the current silver to gold ratio stands at 61 to 1 and the ratio is too high. Silver is a buy.

Silver is a buy. Eleven months ago it took 85 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. Since then the ratio has come down in favor of silver. Now it only takes 61 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. Silver is still too cheap compared to gold. At the end of 2007 it took only 45 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold. I think we are headed in that direction again.

Recently, the Chinese announced that they are buying silver, and they are very savvy investors. If  China's doing it, it won’t be long before all of Asia follows. Now is the time for you to buy your physical silver while the price is still low and while there is availability. Last year at this time the  market was oversold and long delays and huge premiums were common. It is starting to happen againl. It is a good idea to buy your silver now while you can still get it.
Take advantage today of a way to get lots of silver for the lowest price by doing some referrals.

Len Wright
940 North State St  ( rear - inside Copy Cat Printing Building ),  Orem, Utah 84057 USA

We buy, sell, repair, and print anything!   
T-Shirts, Hats, Decals, Coupons, Flyers, Invoices, Invitations, Banners, Copiers, LapTops, iPods, iPads, MP3, MP4 Players  -  Phone 801-810-6123    801-762-0007   801-404-6123

To receive our email updates, please enter your email at our blogs at

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Currency crisis coming - get some food stored up - Call Len Wright 801-404-6123

Orem, UT   84057   |   Nov 6, 2011

Order online at

Food for 10-15 Super Tasting Parties ($10-$15 for a Great party of 10-12 people!). 8 of our Tasting Party favorites: Oriental Beef Fried Rice, Sumptious Sweet Teriyaki Chicken & Rice, Our Great Tasting Western Chili, Naturally Wonderful 6 grain Breakfast Cereal & Honey, Cheddar Broccoli Soup, Creamy Chicken Soup, our 'Can't Stop Drinking It' Cherry Lemonade Vitamin C Breakfast drink, and our unbelievably delicious Dutch Chocolate Milk. (Over 280+ servings)Shipped in resealable #10 cans. FREE FOOD CREDIT PURCHASE
TASTING PARTY 10 PACK... Food for 10-15 Super Tasting Parties.$164.00 (10 parties: $10-$15 for a Great party of 10-12 people!) 8 of our Tasting Party favorites: Oriental Beef Fried Rice, Sumptious Sweet Teriyaki Chicken & Rice, Our Great Tasting Western Chili, Naturally Wonderful 6 grain Breakfast Cereal & Honey, Cheddar Broccoli Soup, Creamy Chicken Soup, our 'Can't Stop Drinking It' Cherry Lemonade Vitamin C Breakfast drink, and our unbelievably delicious Dutch Chocolate Milk. (Over 280+ servings)Shipped in resealable #10 cans. Call 801-810-6123 or 801-404-6123 and ask for Len Wright.

Currency crisis coming - get some food stored up

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Links to favorite ads

No more wrinkles! Removes crows feet by your eyes. SMOOTH™ uses simple science to deliver amazing results.

No more wrinkles! Removes crows feet by your eyes. SMOOTH™ uses simple science to deliver amazing results.
West Jordan, UT   84088   |   Oct 2, 2011

Eliminate the appearance of age lines and wrinkles under your eyes and on your cheeks.

Amazing SMOOTH wrinkle cream discovered to eliminate the appearance of age lines and wrinkles under your eyes and on your cheeks.

For a photo comparison, follow this link, then click on "Shop Now"

SMOOTH™ uses simple science to deliver amazing results. Our unique combination of naturally-occurring hydrants and plumping agents help smooth the surface of the skin. The ingredients are designed to help draw moisture to the upper layers of the skin and temporarily fill the lines and wrinkles.

Here is the order form web address to try out a bottle - ( copy and paste into your browser ):

Diminishes puffiness under the eyes.
Lasts up to 6 hours. Works great for that special night, reunion or photo shoot.
Leaves the skin hydrated and SMOOTH™.
See our introductory movie here

If you want to buy wholesale, copy and paste this link into your browser:

For a dealership, or if you want to help us advertise this product, go to these links
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New discovery - ground up cactus plant takes away your appetite, and you lose weight without needing willpower.

New discovery - ground up cactus plant takes away your appetite, and you lose weight without needing willpower.
West Jordan, UT   84088   |   Oct 2, 2011

These cactus pills help you to feel satisfied with very little food. Take two of these whenever you start to feel hungry, and they will help you feel full already.

Copy and paste this link into your browser to order online

Get Skinny and Earn also with SkinnyBodyCare - Watch our movie at

Scientifically formulated with some of the world's healthiest ingredients, Skinny Fiber is WAY more than just another weight loss pill. - Proprietary Formula - Provides Antixoidant Support - May Help Promote Weight Loss - Supports Healthy Digestion - Supports Normal Detoxification Processes.

Packed with our proprietary blend of ingredients, Skinny Fiber is not only designed to help support your weight loss goals, but also to support other healthy functions in your body.

What if you could eliminate the #1 enemy of weight loss. . .overeating? With all natural dietary fiber Glucomannan, Skinny Fiber may be able to help.
Glucomannan is a unique all natural soluble dietary fiber defined on Wikepedia as "a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener." Believed to expand in your stomach to make you feel full, Glucomannan may help suppress your appetite to overcome the #1 enemy to weight loss, overeating and cravings.
In addition to the potential weight supporting benefits, in double blind clinical studies, Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as supporting healthy cholesterol levels and more. Glucomannan is a true wonder ingredient!

These pills also include Carralluma, the Natural Appetite Suppressant!
Caralluma is a plant, in the cactus family, that has been used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries particularly in times of famine.
"It is also used for its purported ability to suppress hunger and appetite and enhance stamina. It is believed to have an effect on the appetite control centre of the brain." - Wikipedia

Chá de Bugre - The Brazilian Secret
Along the coast of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, beauty is defined by how you look in a bikini. And one of the favorite ingredients used in beachfront restaurants and refreshment stands is Chá de Bugre. . .one of the key ingredients in Skinny Fiber.
In addition to being used as an appetite suppressant, Chá de Bugre may also support a healthy metabolism. In fact, it is brewed in large drums at times of festival in Brazil, so that people can drink it to sustain their energy. Another great benefit of this exciting ingredient!

You will not find a better natural product that takes away your urge to eat a lot. This works. Skinny Fiber is formulated unlike ANY other product on the market.

SkinnyBodyCare product includes the natural appetite suppressant Carralluma.
Take two of these pills and you will not feel hungry. Helps to eat less. You feel full already when you sit down to eat. Much easier way to eat less and get skinny.

Order now at
Seller Contact Info
Home 801-347-3798
 | Work 801-347-3798
 | Email » 

Software for an online office available. We'll host your website, handle your email, provide online conference room, and bring traffic to your website.

Software for an online office available. We'll host your website, handle your email, provide online conference room, and bring traffic to your website.
West Jordan, UT   84088   |   Oct 1, 2011

Virtual office software available. Excellent contact manager.

Follow this link:
(copy and paste into your web browser)

Software for an online office available. We'll host your website, handle your email, provide online conference room, and bring traffic to your website. Only $7

Read more at our blog
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Garden seeds in a can - packed for emergency preparedness long term food storage.

Garden seeds in a can - packed for emergency preparedness long term food storage.   
West Jordan, UT   84088   |   Oct 1, 2011

DELUXE GARDEN IN A CAN. A huge variety of Non-hybrid seeds ready to be planted at a price of $34.44.

An entire Select High Quality Garden: 23 seed packets with 20 Varieties all sealed in a can ( packed to survive disasters and emergencies )...Blue Lake Bush Beans, Detroit Beets, Copenhagen Cabbage, Hale's best Cantelope, Danvers #126 Carrots, Early Snowball Cauliflower, Country Gentleman White Corn, Marketmore 76 Cucumber, Black Beauty Eggplant, Salad Bowl Lettuce, Sweet Spanish Onion, Alaska Pea, California Bell Pepper, Champion Radish, Bloomsdale Spinach, Waltham Butternut Squash, Yellow Summer Crookneck Squash, Black Beauty Zucchini Squash, Brandywine Tomato, Rutgers Tomato.

( Note: seeds store for 4 years at 65-70 degrees. 8 years at 55-60 degrees. 16 years at 40-55 degrees. )

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